New Delhi:
The Ministry of Human Resource Development has invited software for the Omani Scholarship for undergraduate guides. The Sultanate of Oman will offer scholarships to Indian college students under the Omani Programme for Cultural and Scientific Cooperation for 12 months, 2019-20. The scholarships are for undergraduate guides and cover B.A., B.Sc.,
B.Com, BE, and B.Tech, however, are no longer MBBS. Two scholarship slots are available for Indian college students (with nonresident status) currently residing in India. The Scholarship will cover lessons, a return air price ticket, and a month-to-month allowance of RO 200 in keeping with the scholar if the educational group no longer offers accommodation for students. If the lodging is supplied for students by the academic organization, the scholarship holder might be entitled to obtain a month-to-month allowance of RO a hundred and forty. The proforma for application shape can be downloaded from the MHRD website. The Scholarship software shape must be stuffed in Arabic and English.
The utility form and the Cover Letter (proforma available on the MHRD website) must reach the Ministry by June 30, 2019. Applicants ought to enclose the subsequent files with their application shape and cover letter: Marks sheet for tenth and 12th or equivalent A copy of the certificate of the tenth and 12th or equal certificates A reproduction of the equivalency certificate issued using the Ministry of Education-this applies to a certificate which has been issued abroad
A clinical certificate is evidence of good health and confirms that the scholar isn’t suffering from any chronic or infectious diseases.
A replica of the student’s (valid) passport
Candidates might be shortlisted based on their marks in magnificence 10th and class 12th examinations. Most of the three college students might be nominated for the Scholarship. The final selection of the nominated candidates may be performed by way of the Sultanate of Oman. Applicants can check detailed facts here. Despite the ever-growing numbers of students headed for study abroad, many skip the opportunity due to misunderstandings about study abroad programs. Make sure you have your facts right, and don’t miss out.
MYTH #1: Language majors can benefit from the study abroad programs
Irrespective of your major, students generally don’t find it difficult to fit a study abroad program to their academic requirements. Limiting one’s choice of destinations to countries like England, Australia, and Ireland can eliminate the language barrier as a problem. Even countries where English may not be the native language have universities where teaching is done in English.
MYTH #2: Study abroad is only for the rich
It is not necessary that studying abroad would be costlier than studying at home. The tuition fees in sponsor universities can frequently remain at par with those of study abroad programs and home institutions. What’s more, federal and state financial aid can often be applied to a semester abroad, too. Several scholarships exist for students who wish to take advantage of international academic opportunities.
MYTH #3: It takes more time to graduate and study abroad
Care in planning can ensure that when you study abroad, you can finish your program in four years. Both winter and summer interim have study abroad opportunities for all students with majors, often having the option of studying abroad for a whole year and, at the same time, graduating well on time.