Home Exam LIC ADO 2019 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

LIC ADO 2019 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

by Maurice A. Miller

The software technique for the LIC Apprentice Development Officers (ADO) 2019 recruitment ended on June 9. The LIC will conduct the ADO 2019 Prelims Exam on July 6 and 13, 2019. It is the proper time for the applicants to begin preparing for the LIC ADO 2019 Preliminary Test. Before beginning with the arrangements, candidates must fully understand the LIC ADO 2019 examination sample and syllabus.Syllabus

Candidates who qualify for the LIC ADO 2019 Prelims Exam can apply for the LIC ADO Mains Exam, which will be conducted on August 10, 2019. The LIC ADO Recruitment 2019 is open for Open-Market Candidates and applicants operating as Employees and Agents inside the Life Insurance Corporation. The examination sample is also different for all three classes.

LIC ADO 2019 Exam Pattern for Open Market Category

The LIC ADO 2019 recruitment examination sample for Open Market Category applicants consists of two levels – Preliminary & Mains. Both the tests could be Objective and can be carried out online. Reasoning Ability: Mathematical Reasoning, Linear and Circular Sitting Arrangements, Syllogism, Puzzles, Blood Relations, Alphabet Series, Coding-Decoding, Statements and Conclusions, Distance and Direction, Statements and Arguments, Clocks and Calendars, Number Series, Data Interpretation, Decision Making, Mirror Images
Numerical Ability: Number System, Profit and Loss, Time and Distance, Simplification & Approximation, Number Series, Inequality, Ratio & Proportion, Pipe and Cistern, Partnership, Percentage, Mixtures & Allegations, Average & a long time, Time and Work, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Boat & move, Permutation, Combination & Probability, Mensuration, Data Interpretation (Bar, line, pie, blended, lacking, arithmetic, case), Data Sufficiency.

English Language: Singular-Plural, Fill inside the Blanks, Antonyms, and Synonyms, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Sentence Errors, Phrases and Idioms, Vocabulary primarily based questions, Subject-Verb Agreement, Sentence Improvement, Jumbled Paragraph, Word Usage, Passage Completion, Passage restatement, Passage inference, Passage fillers GK & Current Affairs: Important Days, Books and Authors, History of India, Geography, Indian Economics, Indian Constitution, Countries, Capitals, and Currencies, National and International Organizations, Awards, Honors and Recognition, Science and Technology, Inventions and Discoveries, Financial Institutions – National and International, Finance, Budget, and Five Year Plans, Current Affairs – National and International, Indian Politics, and many others.

Insurance Marketing: Introduction of Insurance, History of Life Insurance, History of General Insurance, Know About IRDAI, Types of Insurance, Indian Insurance Market, ULIP (Unit Linked Insurance Plan, Public Sector Insurance Companies, Private Sector Insurance Companies, Glossary of Insurance Terms, Abbreviations associated with Insurance Industry, Employment State Insurance Scheme (ESIS), Schemes Related to Insurance (PMFBY, PMJJBY, PMSBY and so on.), Other Important Topics Related to Insurance Awareness, Insurance Current Affairs, Insurance Ombudsman, Bancassurance, Current coverage schemes.

Plan the right agenda to prepare for the Prelims Exam in step with the syllabus above and subjects. Solving LIC ADO Previous Years Papers can be high-quality assistance for candidates to know their weaknesses and robust regions. Preparation and practice go hand in hand. So, put it together properly and ace the LIC ADO 2019 examination simultaneously. Above are the main aspects of preparing for the NCEES and state-specific exams to receive a professional engineering license. Below are more detailed explanations of the above exam tips to give you an edge over the Noobs who did not find this article.

PE Exam Tips Expanded

1. Time: Give yourself an ample window of time to study. Six months is not unreasonable. Start with a full practice exam. The brain breaks things down into chunks. As you learn, the short-term memory platform holds 5 to 9 items it can process. (This is psychology’s magic number, 7±2). Items repeated in groups or frequently paired eventually can be handled as one item, called a chunk. Chunking knowledge of mental processing is not a rapid process. You must give the brain time to form new neural networks and activate your college structures.

2. Sacrifice: Each day before today was filled with activities: work, sleep, eating, and optional activities. Some of these optional activities must provide the time to take practice exams, work problems, familiarize yourself with your calculator and reference books, and build a quick-reference folder.

3. Regularity: The mind-body system responds well to routine. It likes it. Capitalize on this. I recommend taking a full 8-hour practice exam every Saturday (and Sunday if you live in California and will take the seismic and surveying exams). If you have Fridays free, test on Friday and Saturday. Exactly match the conditions of your future exam as best you can.

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